Understanding my needs and wants

Everyone has slightly different needs, and everyone definitely has different wants. What are your needs and wants? 

Make a list. Create a two-column table like the one pictured below.

Or click this link to copy the Google template.

Which one is longer? Is it possible to have everything you want? Why or Why not? 

Download a print version the Needs/Wants template (pdf | 54Kb)

Food for thought

Our needs are limited but our wants can be infinite.

Can you imagine if you got everything you wanted but nothing that you needed? Would this create problems?

What about if you got everything you needed, but nothing you wanted?

At home

When our needs are met, we look for other things in life to make us happy. Sometimes giving to others makes us happy, sometimes learning a new skill makes us happy, and sometimes playing with others makes us happy. Happiness comes in many forms.

What makes you happy? These are your wants. Discuss this with your family.

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