Bertie's socks

Sarah and her younger brother, Finn, are shopping with their mother at the supermarket. There are lots of things they want to buy such as ice-cream, chocolate, stickers and Bertie's socks. Bertie is Finn's teddy bear. Mum has a shopping list ready of things they need.

Can Sarah and Finn buy everything they want? Read the story below to find out.

Download a print version of Bertie's socks story (pdf | 324Kb)

Food for thought

Why do some people use a list when grocery shopping? What would happen if you don't use a list? 

At home

A great activity to learn about needs and wants is to go shopping together. You could co-create or go over the shopping list beforehand. Ask about the list. Share decisions on what needs to be on the list and why some things are not.